Will Obama’s SoMe tactics and Assets Make it the the White House?

Posted on December 10, 2008. Filed under: Obama, Social Media | Tags: , , , , , , |

In a recent keynote address, director of email  and online fund raising, Stephen Greer discussed whether or not President-Elect Obama will be taking their rich email database with them to the White House. My first reaction was  “of course”. Obama was elected on the idea of change, transparency and the inclusion of supporters in promotion, fund raising and the infrastructure of the campaign. How better to keep the momentum going than to get those same people more involved in promoting policy, supporting the administration, educating their neighbors, etc. Kennedy got the whole country behind the Space Race, Roosevelt got the country behind the War (WWII). I dare say that if Obama’s administration really intends to bring change to the government and the country, keeping the troops marching would be key.

Greer makes an interesting point though, if the administration were to carry over their SoMe database, it would now belong to the Federal government, and hence, future administrations. Perhaps this may be a good law to change? I’m certain that every administration would love to keeop their lists close to their chest, and I’m sure most of us on the list of whatever candidate we backed don’t want our info given to the other guy.

One thing is certain though, the Obama administration is thinking very hard on how best to leverage their SoMe assets over the coming 4-8 years. I for one would welcome a social network around the government, what is being mentioned of as WeGov.

What are your thoughts on if and how the Obama Campaign SoMe assets should be used by the Obama Administration?

As an aside: I’m a creative director with 14 years of online and SoMe experience. Dear Obama administration: any openings? How about basing WeGov in Boston? We have some great superstars here, all of whom voted for you…

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