Martian Footprint Found?

Posted on June 2, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , |

Martian Footprint Found?

Has NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander already found proof of life on Mars?

This early photo of the Martian landscape clearly shows what looks to be a footprint of a four-toed being. “Based on the lack of an additional footprint in the image and the width of the print, we feel that it is obviously made by a very long-legged, yet top heavy creature.” said top British xenoanthrobiologist Sir Lan Celot.

“We’ll of course need more information but based on what we know about the Martian landscape, atmosphere, calendar year, and weather, the addition of this information helps us develop a fairly good idea of what a Martian most likely looks like.”

Artist Rendering of Martian

Whether this proves the existence of a Martian race or is simply evidence of advanced shooting for a new Survivor series is sure to be the subject of debate until more is known. At the moment no one at CBS or NASA is talking.

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